Playing Pub Golf is great fun, but winning at Pub Golf is even better.
Here’s your guide to coming out on top in Pub Golf, ensuring you navigate each hole with finesse.

How To Win Pub Golf?
If you want to win at Pub Golf, ultimately, you have to be the player with the lowest score at the end of the round.
By the final pub or bar, if you’ve got the lowest number on the Pub Golf scorecard, you’ll be declared the winner.
So it’s pretty straightforward really. Drink your drinks in the fewest number of sips and you’ll be handed legendary status and a huge Pub Golf trophy.
Well, it’s not always that easy when it comes to successfully conquering Pub Golf. There’s a few things you need to think about before you set off.
Understand the Course Layout
Before teeing off, familiarise yourself with the course and the number of holes– the list of pubs and bars you’ll be visiting and the designated drink at each.
Knowing what lies ahead allows you to strategise and pace yourself.
Remember, each venue represents a hole with a par value indicating the ideal number of sips to finish your drink.
If you can drink it in fewer sips than the par, you’ll probably be doing better than other players.
Dress for Success
You can’t win at Pub Golf without having a great outfit, so embrace the spirit of the game by wearing your finest golf attire.
Not only does this enhance the fun, but being in character can also boost your confidence and team spirit.
Plus, many Pub Golf games award points for the best-dressed participants, so it’s worth trying to look the best.

Plan Your Shots
Just as in golf, where you plan your approach to each shot, in Pub Golf, you should strategise how you’ll tackle each drink.
Perhaps you’re great with shots and struggle with pints of beer. Plan how you’ll tackle each of those and be prepared before each drink.
Consider the par value and your own limits.
Keep Score Honestly
Honesty is the best policy in Pub Golf and no one likes a cheater.
Keep accurate track of your sips, and don’t be tempted to shave off a stroke here and there.
You’ll probably have a playing partner who will be keeping tabs on you, so don’t go making up or lying about the number of sips you’re taking.
Stay Hydrated
Between holes, make sure to drink water to ensure you’re not getting too drunk too soon.
Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining your stamina and ensuring you can make it through all the designated holes without faltering.
Pub Golf can be quite a heavy game to play, so look after yourself and make sure to keep well-hydrated throughout.
Eat Wisely
A good base of food is essential for any marathon, and Pub Golf is no exception.
Have a substantial meal before starting, and take advantage of any opportunity to snack throughout the course.
Food not only absorbs alcohol but also gives you the energy to keep going.
Know Your Limits
The golden rule of Pub Golf is to know when to say when, it’s just a bit of fun after all.
The aim is to enjoy the evening and make it to the final hole in good spirits.
If a particular drink is too much, it’s okay to take a penalty stroke rather than overdo it.
Your safety and well-being are more important and you’ll end up having a far more enjoyable night of Pub Golf.
Embrace Team Spirit
While individual scores matter in determining the winner, Pub Golf is ultimately a team sport.
Encourage your fellow players, celebrate their good shots, and commiserate over the bogeys.
It’s all just a good laugh at the end of the day, so have fun and keep things light.
Final Thoughts
If you’re like me, you want to win at whatever you’re doing, even if it’s just a pub crawl with your mates.
Like with actual golf, Pub Golf requires you to finish on the lowest score to come out on top.